Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cast Away

Cast Away - Amazing Tom Hank's movie.... The movie just revolves around an island but at the end strongly enforces the thought of "Hope" and "continuous attempts" in the audience mind..... So was it for me....

Usually I write something and then I search a suitable title for my post but this time...Somehow I was inclined to choose the title first and then align my experience with the title....

In the movie, Tom Hank gets messed up with a storm in the ocean, somehow he tries hard to save his life and ends up in getting deserted all alone in a island where there is no sign of human way of communication and so on... With whatever is found on the island Tom Hank makes his living and passes his days... and finally after a period of 4 to 5 years I not remember well...succeeds in his union with his family......

I was very much impressed by the movie.... During his isolation period he retrives lot of his hiddedn creativity that helps in his survival.... So if he had sat without any hope, idle then he would have died and that's it.... Instead of kiiling his life by being idle..he plays well with his thoughts and succeeds....

Similar is the case with the human mind.... I strongly believe in this thought "Idle mind is devil's workshop"....

Whenever I was idle I always ended up being lazy or thinking unwanted things, indirectly ruining my day.....
People around me spot as a very enthusiatic person..when i am in's all fine...but when left alone...idle...the cliche used to show up it's face....

Addtionally I was strangled with some pre-defined thoughths that used to always boom up, wheneever my mind was idle paving a clean way to devastation of the day.

I saw a beautiful change in my performance as a repercussion of this realization. Thought about the "Cast Away" movie and tried to keep my mind occupied throughout. Pumped myself with good positive energy, planned my time well, and just kicked off with whateveri could think and do without wasting my time time by sitting idle.
Now I feel life is beautiful and enjoying it in a beautiful way is in our hand and Mind!

I sincerely thank my manager here who suggested me in watching this movie and sowed the thought of always taking some kind of learning or value from whatever worth comes across the eyes, by his thoughtful statements that he used to share during our happy lunch sessions!!

A proud feeling crosses my mind when I match myself in Tom's character in Cast away. I was Cast away by the idle mind but now I feel I have been successful like Tom in my union with the beautiful island of life ;-)!

Simple movie but great Thought!!


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